Dr. Ron Chao Reviews

According to the surveys done by American Hair Loss Association about 85% of men have hair loss at the age of 50. However, some of them begin to lose as early as they turn 21. This problem is becoming a bigger concern not only for men, but women and children are also facing it. There are many reasons that baldness or hair loss, or alopecia, but most commonly are hormonal changes, stress, prolonged illness, certain medications, deficiency of vitamins & minerals, unhealthy lifestyle, genetic trait, and more. Due to baldness or hair problems people tend to lose confidence, avoid socializing, and face many problems in their day to day life. There are thousands of hair loss treatments available such as Propecia and Rogaine, hair replacements, and hair restoration. The Hair Lab is the wonderful option for affordable, highly professional way of getting hair transplant surgery or non-surgical hair restoration services.

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